Calanque d’en Vau

Ever since I was a little girl I was fascinated by French films. They succeed to put in images and dialogues the reality that, I think, every one of us lives in, at a certain point of our life. Nothing exaggerated, no special effects, no super power and most of them, no happy ending. Just the way life goes. So every now and then in my free time I like to relax watching a French film. Last month I found one that in a way or another added some richness to my life. It is called Éternité. I won’t say what is all about in the movie because I don’t want to spoil the surprise in case you guys are curious to see it! But in that movie I saw a place ripped off from heaven and thrown on this planet earth we call home. I was mesmerized by its beauty. Everything about that place was pure perfection. I’ve looked at that scene over and over again. I wasn’t sure if something like this can exist or it’s all photoshopped. I had to know where that piece of heaven is so I did some research. And as we all know “search and you shall find” works every time. That amazing beach is called Calanque d’en Vau and is in Cassis, near Marseille. I was trilled. Now that I knew where it is I felt even more close to it. I knew that I will go there one day, but never thought it will happen so spontaneously and so soon. So here am I, at 3:00 AM checking myself into a hotel in Marseille. Brushing my teeth and going to sleep dreaming at that turquoise water.
Tips: if you plan to go there bring with you your hiking shoes, water and some snacks. It’s almost two hours hiking to arrive there.
I haven’t felt any kind of tiredness, the excitement was too high. It was a pleasure walking through nature, chasing butterflies, and felling the sound of the rocks under my feet. It’s a bit difficult for me to put into words how I felt when I first saw the beach and the water. So I would make it short: it was like being transported from that reality into a French film. I have a pretty rich imagination and it was easy for me to make all that people disappear and be alone, just me in that slice of paradise in a complete silence. When I’m in places like this I like to connect with them. People can distract my attention from this and that’s why I like to imagine myself being alone there, so I can make a connection with that place. Everything was perfect…useless to say I didn’t want to come out of the water and my body temperature dropped so much I couldn’t feel my hands anymore. The hiking way back helped me with that. It’s one of my best memory so far. Anyway the pictures doesn’t do justice to the beauty of it.

P.S, If you want you can see a video on my IG ( @girlisart ) to have a sort of idea about what Iam talking about.

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Swimsuit / Eyewear



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